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We will contact you within 12 hours to welcome you and give you access to the benefits of Living Ciociaria. 

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Do you want to support us?

Donations represent the way to support projects in Ciociaria and are divided into two types: always active projects and special projects.

The projects that are always active support support actions, enhancement and volunteers who normally follow the project during the year, in particular:

  • Promote and coordinate initiatives (conferences, trips, excursions, public performances, celebrations, cultural, sporting and recreational events, fairs and exhibitions, etc.) that serve to attract and make the stay of tourists more pleasant
  • Provide assistance and hospitality to international tourists on our territory
  • Revaluation of abandoned or unmanaged spaces, museums, accommodation activities in order to preserve their value, history and culture of the place
  • National and international marketing campaigns aimed at attracting tourism to our region
  • Diversify the tourist offer
    Improve infrastructures, stimulate the improvement of infrastructures and hotel and non-hotel accommodation
  • Assistance for private or public bodies of competence, in supervising the conduct of public and private services of tourist interest, possibly proposing the appropriate changes


The special projects are activated for specific requests and needs and are promoted for the time necessary to raise the funds to be allocated to the action. These are often health-related projects such as expensive operations, or educational projects for which a scholarship is required or, again, projects for the development of small economic activities.

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